
—— 题记

实际上,我是通过再次发问那些创立这门伟大学科的光辉人物曾经思考过的问题才建立起这条路线图来的。In all of these questions,每问出其中一个问题,都将使得你更加全面地观视到整个CS学科的理论架构;每尝试理解或回答其中一个问题,你都将比该领域的同行更具竞争力。科学源于思考,源于对答案的追寻,正是因为这些问题困惑着人类,人类才发展出一门完整的学科来解答这些问题。So take care, I’m going to ask u a question now.

The Main Question: 催生Computer Science的问题链是怎样的?
Ans:[Core 数学机械化 @计算理论]

  • #1
    Can the computation a*b automatically be done by a machine?
    [数学计算是否可以机械化?@数理逻辑与数学基础 亚里士多德三段论,莱布尼兹的设想,希尔伯特公理系统,哥德尔的天才证明, Church–Turing Thesis]

  • #2
    If a machine can do computation automatically, what’s the basic mathematical model for the machine auto computing?
    [数学机械化的计算模型?@Formal Language & Automata & Universal Turing Machine & Lambda calculus]

  • #3
    How to describe a problem and organize the computing procedure?
    [如何表述问题使之可以进行机械化计算?如何组织机械化计算过程?@算法与数据结构、程序设计方法学 OOP,Generic Programming,Functional Programming,Design Patterns …]

  • #4
    Can a machine compute everything that can be expressed in its language?

  • #5
    Can a machine think? can a machine do intelligence computing? what’s the relationship between the machine computing and human intelligence computing?
    [机械能否实现智能计算?计算模型可以做公理的形式化推断与证明么?智能计算与机械化计算之间的关系,智能计算与一般化计算的构造差异,智能计算是如何形成和运转的? @人工智能 Machine Learning,Natural Language Process,Recommender System…]

  • #6
    Could a machine computing system evolve itself to be more intelligence?could a machine computing system have a life as we human beings?could a machine computing system communicate with other system?
    [机器能否自动进化并拥有自我意识,机器能否感知生命的价值与意义?@元胞自动机 cellular automata、机器人、意识形成、心智与精神……这里已近快要接近神域了吧]

  • #7
    Back to reality, how to build a computing system in real world?
    [如何构造一个实际可用的计算机器来实现这些计算模型?@冯诺依曼结构,哈佛结构,Quantum Computing,OS & Compiler System]

Step by step, u’ll find that u are actually trying to rebuild the whole field of CS from the very ancient Aristotle Era by asking these questions.

Further reading associated with these questions: